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Product Reviews

3-1/2 Inch Brim, Alligator Palm Cattleman Hat

3-1/2 Inch Brim, Alligator Palm Cattleman Hat

3.5" brim alligator palm cattleman hat. Zig-zag edge on braid makes for a rough-texture. Wire in brim for easy creasing.

Good product
by Richard Goode from Charleston, MOon May 28, 2017

I bough this hat about ten years ago and have been suing it ever since for yard work, camping, etc. Every now and then I sit it out in the rain and let it get soaked to keep it from drying out. It is showing some wear now, especially on the front of the crown where I handle it the most, but I have no complaints at all. A goo product and I have just ordered my second Sunbody hat and am thinking about a third.


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