Product Reviews

Casa Blanca

Casa Blanca

4' brim with Tear Drop crease. Front and back dip for the sun protection every  explorer needs. Guatemalan standard palm.1-1/2" wide black elastic hatband.

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Customer Reviews

   Another great Sunbody hat

Another in my collection. Love the wider brim

By Mark McNeil from Arroyo Grande, CA on Nov 22, 2019

272 of 578 found the following review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes No

   Great Hat

Would buy again and again, the quality is very high so unless the wind sails it into the Grand Canyon I will be wearing this one for years to come. The brim is flat and makes a statement. I get comments from strangers while out working.

By Gregory Pickens from Sacramento, CA. USA on Jul 20, 2017

329 of 668 found the following review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes No

   My latest hat.

This my fifth Sunbody hat. Great fit. Love the style. Will wear this hat proudly when I'm out on my walks this and every summer.

By Ken Biagini from Toledo,OH USA on May 2, 2010

671 of 1304 found the following review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes No

   Only hat I wear

Have bought many over the yeats. Terrific protection against sun, and waterproof, too, for those rare Las Vegas rains.

By a member from Las Vegas NV on Jun 8, 2024

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   Great hat!

Hat just arrived so can't speak to durability but the packaging, the prompt delivery and the great look of the hat together with the included size reducer if needed (and it was) were five star. This hat will go well with casual jeans, shorts and can easily transpose itself to evening or a more dressy look! Just a great looking item! Only criticism I have is that the hat band was sloppily finished with loose threads and thread knot showing at the end of it and could have been placed fractionally lower. This should have a first class finish on it to match the great look of the hat.

By a member from AZ on Jun 16, 2011